The Shell Light-Weight API dll provides a large number of utility functions which are commonly required by Win32 programs. Originally distributed with Internet Explorer as a free download, it became a core part of Windows when Internet Explorer was 'integrated' into the O/S with the release of Win98.
All functions exported by ordinal are undocumented by MS. The vast majority of these are wrappers for Unicode functions that may not exist on early 16 bit platforms. The remainder perform various small tasks and presumably were added to facilitate code reuse amongst the MS developers.
Forwards: 217
Variables: 0
Stubs: 125
Functions: 508
Exports-Total: 850
Implemented-Total: 725 (85%)
Documented-Total: 229 (45%)
The following people hold copyrights on the source files comprising this dll:
Guy Albertelli, Huw D M Davies (for CodeWeavers), Jon Griffiths, Juergen Schmied, Marcus Meissner
Note: This list may not be complete. For a complete listing, see the git commit logs and the File "AUTHORS" in the Wine source tree.
ParseURLA (not documented)
ParseURLW (not documented)
SHCreateMemStream (forward to SHCreateMemStream in shcore)
GetAcceptLanguagesA (not documented)
GetAcceptLanguagesW (not documented)
SHCreateThread (forward to SHCreateThread in shcore)
IsCharAlphaWrapW (forward to IsCharAlphaW in user32)
IsCharUpperWrapW (forward to IsCharUpperW in user32)
IsCharLowerWrapW (forward to IsCharLowerW in user32)
IsCharAlphaNumericWrapW (forward to IsCharAlphaNumericW in user32)
IsCharSpaceW (not documented)
IsCharBlankW (not documented)
IsCharPunctW (not documented)
IsCharCntrlW (not documented)
IsCharDigitW (not documented)
IsCharXDigitW (not documented)
GetStringType3ExW (not documented)
AppendMenuWrapW (forward to AppendMenuW in user32)
CallWindowProcWrapW (forward to CallWindowProcW in user32)
CharLowerWrapW (forward to CharLowerW in user32)
CharLowerBuffWrapW (forward to CharLowerBuffW in user32)
CharNextWrapW (forward to CharNextW in user32)
CharPrevWrapW (forward to CharPrevW in user32)
CharToOemWrapW (forward to CharToOemW in user32)
CharUpperWrapW (forward to CharUpperW in user32)
CharUpperBuffWrapW (forward to CharUpperBuffW in user32)
CompareStringWrapW (forward to CompareStringW in kernel32)
CopyAcceleratorTableWrapW (forward to CopyAcceleratorTableW in user32)
CreateAcceleratorTableWrapW (forward to CreateAcceleratorTableW in user32)
CreateDCWrapW (forward to CreateDCW in gdi32)
CreateDialogParamWrapW (forward to CreateDialogParamW in user32)
CreateDirectoryWrapW (forward to CreateDirectoryW in kernel32)
CreateEventWrapW (forward to CreateEventW in kernel32)
CreateFileWrapW (forward to CreateFileW in kernel32)
CreateFontIndirectWrapW (forward to CreateFontIndirectW in gdi32)
CreateICWrapW (forward to CreateICW in gdi32)
CreateWindowExWrapW (forward to CreateWindowExW in user32)
DefWindowProcWrapW (forward to DefWindowProcW in user32)
DeleteFileWrapW (forward to DeleteFileW in kernel32)
DialogBoxIndirectParamWrapW (forward to DialogBoxIndirectParamW in user32)
DialogBoxParamWrapW (forward to DialogBoxParamW in user32)
DispatchMessageWrapW (forward to DispatchMessageW in user32)
DrawTextWrapW (forward to DrawTextW in user32)
EnumFontFamiliesWrapW (forward to EnumFontFamiliesW in gdi32)
EnumFontFamiliesExWrapW (forward to EnumFontFamiliesExW in gdi32)
EnumResourceNamesWrapW (forward to EnumResourceNamesW in kernel32)
FindFirstFileWrapW (forward to FindFirstFileW in kernel32)
FindResourceWrapW (forward to FindResourceW in kernel32)
FindWindowWrapW (forward to FindWindowW in user32)
FormatMessageWrapW (forward to FormatMessageW in kernel32)
GetClassInfoWrapW (forward to GetClassInfoW in user32)
GetClassLongWrapW (forward to GetClassLongW in user32)
GetClassNameWrapW (forward to GetClassNameW in user32)
GetClipboardFormatNameWrapW (forward to GetClipboardFormatNameW in user32)
GetCurrentDirectoryWrapW (forward to GetCurrentDirectoryW in kernel32)
GetDlgItemTextWrapW (forward to GetDlgItemTextW in user32)
GetFileAttributesWrapW (forward to GetFileAttributesW in kernel32)
GetFullPathNameWrapW (forward to GetFullPathNameW in kernel32)
GetLocaleInfoWrapW (forward to GetLocaleInfoW in kernel32)
GetMenuStringWrapW (forward to GetMenuStringW in user32)
GetMessageWrapW (forward to GetMessageW in user32)
GetModuleFileNameWrapW (forward to GetModuleFileNameW in kernel32)
GetSystemDirectoryWrapW (forward to GetSystemDirectoryW in kernel32)
SearchPathWrapW (forward to SearchPathW in kernel32)
GetModuleHandleWrapW (forward to GetModuleHandleW in kernel32)
GetObjectWrapW (forward to GetObjectW in gdi32)
GetPrivateProfileIntWrapW (forward to GetPrivateProfileIntW in kernel32)
GetProfileStringWrapW (forward to GetProfileStringW in kernel32)
GetPropWrapW (forward to GetPropW in user32)
GetStringTypeExWrapW (forward to GetStringTypeExW in kernel32)
GetTempFileNameWrapW (forward to GetTempFileNameW in kernel32)
GetTempPathWrapW (forward to GetTempPathW in kernel32)
GetTextExtentPoint32WrapW (forward to GetTextExtentPoint32W in gdi32)
GetTextFaceWrapW (forward to GetTextFaceW in gdi32)
GetTextMetricsWrapW (forward to GetTextMetricsW in gdi32)
GetWindowLongWrapW (forward to GetWindowLongW in user32)
GetWindowTextWrapW (forward to GetWindowTextW in user32)
GetWindowTextLengthWrapW (forward to GetWindowTextLengthW in user32)
GetWindowsDirectoryWrapW (forward to GetWindowsDirectoryW in kernel32)
InsertMenuWrapW (forward to InsertMenuW in user32)
IsDialogMessageWrapW (forward to IsDialogMessageW in user32)
LoadAcceleratorsWrapW (forward to LoadAcceleratorsW in user32)
LoadBitmapWrapW (forward to LoadBitmapW in user32)
LoadCursorWrapW (forward to LoadCursorW in user32)
LoadIconWrapW (forward to LoadIconW in user32)
LoadImageWrapW (forward to LoadImageW in user32)
LoadLibraryExWrapW (forward to LoadLibraryExW in kernel32)
LoadMenuWrapW (forward to LoadMenuW in user32)
LoadStringWrapW (forward to LoadStringW in user32)
MessageBoxIndirectWrapW (forward to MessageBoxIndirectW in user32)
ModifyMenuWrapW (forward to ModifyMenuW in user32)
GetCharWidth32WrapW (forward to GetCharWidth32W in gdi32)
GetCharacterPlacementWrapW (forward to GetCharacterPlacementW in gdi32)
CopyFileWrapW (forward to CopyFileW in kernel32)
MoveFileWrapW (forward to MoveFileW in kernel32)
OemToCharWrapW (forward to OemToCharW in user32)
OutputDebugStringWrapW (forward to OutputDebugStringW in kernel32)
PeekMessageWrapW (forward to PeekMessageW in user32)
PostMessageWrapW (forward to PostMessageW in user32)
PostThreadMessageWrapW (forward to PostThreadMessageW in user32)
RegCreateKeyWrapW (forward to RegCreateKeyW in advapi32)
RegCreateKeyExWrapW (forward to RegCreateKeyExW in advapi32)
RegDeleteKeyWrapW (forward to RegDeleteKeyW in advapi32)
RegEnumKeyWrapW (forward to RegEnumKeyW in advapi32)
RegEnumKeyExWrapW (forward to RegEnumKeyExW in advapi32)
RegOpenKeyWrapW (forward to RegOpenKeyW in advapi32)
RegOpenKeyExWrapW (forward to RegOpenKeyExW in advapi32)
RegQueryInfoKeyWrapW (forward to RegQueryInfoKeyW in advapi32)
RegQueryValueWrapW (forward to RegQueryValueW in advapi32)
RegQueryValueExWrapW (forward to RegQueryValueExW in advapi32)
RegSetValueWrapW (forward to RegSetValueW in advapi32)
RegSetValueExWrapW (forward to RegSetValueExW in advapi32)
RegisterClassWrapW (forward to RegisterClassW in user32)
RegisterClipboardFormatWrapW (forward to RegisterClipboardFormatW in user32)
RegisterWindowMessageWrapW (forward to RegisterWindowMessageW in user32)
RemovePropWrapW (forward to RemovePropW in user32)
SendDlgItemMessageWrapW (forward to SendDlgItemMessageW in user32)
SendMessageWrapW (forward to SendMessageW in user32)
SetCurrentDirectoryWrapW (forward to SetCurrentDirectoryW in kernel32)
SetDlgItemTextWrapW (forward to SetDlgItemTextW in user32)
SetMenuItemInfoWrapW (forward to SetMenuItemInfoW in user32)
SetPropWrapW (forward to SetPropW in user32)
SetWindowLongWrapW (forward to SetWindowLongW in user32)
SetWindowsHookExWrapW (forward to SetWindowsHookExW in user32)
SetWindowTextWrapW (forward to SetWindowTextW in user32)
StartDocWrapW (forward to StartDocW in gdi32)
SystemParametersInfoWrapW (forward to SystemParametersInfoW in user32)
TranslateAcceleratorWrapW (forward to TranslateAcceleratorW in user32)
UnregisterClassWrapW (forward to UnregisterClassW in user32)
VkKeyScanWrapW (forward to VkKeyScanW in user32)
WinHelpWrapW (forward to WinHelpW in user32)
wvsprintfWrapW (forward to wvsprintfW in user32)
StrCmpNCA (not documented)
StrCmpNCW (not documented)
StrCmpNICA (not documented)
StrCmpNICW (not documented)
StrCmpCA (not documented)
StrCmpCW (not documented)
StrCmpICA (not documented)
StrCmpICW (not documented)
CompareStringAltW (forward to CompareStringW in kernel32)
SHTruncateString (not documented)
IUnknown_AtomicRelease (forward to IUnknown_AtomicRelease in shcore)
IUnknown_SetSite (forward to IUnknown_SetSite in shcore)
IUnknown_QueryService (forward to IUnknown_QueryService in shcore)
SHMenuIndexFromID (not documented)
IStream_Read (forward to IStream_Read in shcore)
SHSimulateDrop (not documented)
IUnknown_HandleIRestrict (not documented)
SHVerbExistsNA (not documented)
IUnknown_Set (forward to IUnknown_Set in shcore)
MayQSForward (not documented)
MayExecForward (not documented)
IsQSForward (not documented)
SHGetValueGoodBootA (not documented)
SHGetValueGoodBootW (not documented)
IContextMenu_Invoke (stub)
FDSA_Initialize (not documented)
FDSA_Destroy (not documented)
FDSA_InsertItem (not documented)
FDSA_DeleteItem (not documented)
IStream_Write (forward to IStream_Write in shcore)
IStream_Reset (forward to IStream_Reset in shcore)
IStream_Size (forward to IStream_Size in shcore)
QISearch (not documented)
ZoneCheckPathA (stub)
ZoneCheckPathW (stub)
ZoneCheckUrlA (stub)
ZoneCheckUrlW (stub)
ZoneCheckUrlExA (stub)
ZoneCheckUrlExCacheA (stub)
ZoneCheckUrlExCacheW (stub)
ZoneCheckHost (stub)
ZoneCheckHostEx (stub)
StopWatch_CheckMsg (stub)
StopWatch_MarkSameFrameStart (stub)
StopWatch_DispatchTime (stub)
StopWatchExA (stub)
StopWatchExW (stub)
EventTraceHandler (stub)
IUnknown_GetSite (forward to IUnknown_GetSite in shcore)
SHRegisterWaitForSingleObject (stub)
SHUnregisterWait (stub)
SHQueueUserWorkItem (not documented)
SHCreateTimerQueue (stub)
SHDeleteTimerQueue (stub)
SHSetTimerQueueTimer (not documented)
SHChangeTimerQueueTimer (stub)
SHCancelTimerQueueTimer (stub)
SHSetThreadPoolLimits (stub)
SHTerminateThreadPool (stub)
RegisterGlobalHotkeyW (stub)
RegisterGlobalHotkeyA (stub)
WhichPlatform (not documented)
SHDialogBox (stub)
SHRegGetIntW (forward to SHRegGetIntW in shcore)
SHPackDispParamsV (not documented)
SHPackDispParams (not documented)
IConnectionPoint_InvokeWithCancel (not documented)
IConnectionPoint_SimpleInvoke (not documented)
IUnknown_CPContainerInvokeParam (not documented)
IUnknown_CPContainerInvokeIndirect (stub)
SHMirrorIcon (stub)
SHCancelUserWorkItems (stub)
CreateURLFileContentsW (stub)
CreateURLFileContentsA (stub)
WritePrivateProfileStringWrapW (forward to WritePrivateProfileStringW in kernel32)
ExtTextOutWrapW (forward to ExtTextOutW in gdi32)
CreateFontWrapW (forward to CreateFontW in gdi32)
DrawTextExWrapW (forward to DrawTextExW in user32)
GetMenuItemInfoWrapW (forward to GetMenuItemInfoW in user32)
InsertMenuItemWrapW (forward to InsertMenuItemW in user32)
CreateMetaFileWrapW (forward to CreateMetaFileW in gdi32)
CreateMutexWrapW (forward to CreateMutexW in kernel32)
ExpandEnvironmentStringsWrapW (forward to ExpandEnvironmentStringsW in kernel32)
CreateSemaphoreWrapW (forward to CreateSemaphoreW in kernel32)
IsBadStringPtrWrapW (forward to IsBadStringPtrW in kernel32)
LoadLibraryWrapW (forward to LoadLibraryW in kernel32)
GetTimeFormatWrapW (forward to GetTimeFormatW in kernel32)
GetDateFormatWrapW (forward to GetDateFormatW in kernel32)
GetPrivateProfileStringWrapW (forward to GetPrivateProfileStringW in kernel32)
RegisterClassExWrapW (forward to RegisterClassExW in user32)
GetClassInfoExWrapW (forward to GetClassInfoExW in user32)
IShellFolder_GetDisplayNameOf (stub)
IShellFolder_ParseDisplayName (stub)
FindWindowExWrapW (forward to FindWindowExW in user32)
CallMsgFilterWrapW (forward to CallMsgFilterW in user32)
ExtractIconExWrapW (forward to PrivateExtractIconExW in user32)
SetFileAttributesWrapW (forward to SetFileAttributesW in kernel32)
GetNumberFormatWrapW (forward to GetNumberFormatW in kernel32)
MessageBoxWrapW (forward to MessageBoxW in user32)
FindNextFileWrapW (forward to FindNextFileW in kernel32)
SHInterlockedCompareExchange (not documented)
SHAnsiToAnsi (forward to SHAnsiToAnsi in shcore)
SHUnicodeToUnicode (forward to SHUnicodeToUnicode in shcore)
RegDeleteValueWrapW (forward to RegDeleteValueW in advapi32)
SHGetFileDescriptionW (stub)
SHGetFileDescriptionA (stub)
OpenEventWrapW (forward to OpenEventW in kernel32)
RemoveDirectoryWrapW (forward to RemoveDirectoryW in kernel32)
GetShortPathNameWrapW (forward to GetShortPathNameW in kernel32)
GetUserNameWrapW (forward to GetUserNameW in advapi32)
RegEnumValueWrapW (forward to RegEnumValueW in advapi32)
WritePrivateProfileStructWrapW (forward to WritePrivateProfileStructW in kernel32)
GetPrivateProfileStructWrapW (forward to GetPrivateProfileStructW in kernel32)
CreateProcessWrapW (forward to CreateProcessW in kernel32)
DdeInitializeWrapW (forward to DdeInitializeW in user32)
DdeCreateStringHandleWrapW (forward to DdeCreateStringHandleW in user32)
DdeQueryStringWrapW (forward to DdeQueryStringW in user32)
SHCheckDiskForMediaA (stub)
SHCheckDiskForMediaW (stub)
MLGetUILanguage (forward to GetUserDefaultUILanguage in kernel32)
Shell_GetCachedImageIndexWrapW (stub)
Shell_GetCachedImageIndexWrapA (stub)
AssocCopyVerbs (stub)
ZoneComputePaneSize (not documented)
ZoneConfigureW (stub)
SHRestrictedMessageBox (stub)
SHLoadRawAccelerators (stub)
SHQueryRawAccelerator (stub)
SHQueryRawAcceleratorMsg (stub)
ShellMessageBoxWrapW (not documented)
EndDialogWrap (forward to EndDialog in user32)
CreateDialogIndirectParamWrapW (forward to CreateDialogIndirectParamW in user32)
SHChangeNotifyWrap (not documented)
MLWinHelpA (stub)
MLHtmlHelpA (stub)
MLWinHelpW (stub)
MLHtmlHelpW (stub)
StrCpyNXA (not documented)
StrCpyNXW (not documented)
IShellFolder_EnumObjects (not documented)
MLBuildResURLW (not documented)
AssocMakeProgid (stub)
AssocMakeShell (stub)
AssocMakeApplicationByKeyW (stub)
AssocMakeApplicationByKeyA (stub)
AssocMakeFileExtsToApplicationW (stub)
AssocMakeFileExtsToApplicationA (stub)
SHHtmlHelpOnDemandW (stub)
SHHtmlHelpOnDemandA (stub)
SHWinHelpOnDemandW (not documented)
SHWinHelpOnDemandA (not documented)
MLFreeLibrary (not documented)
SHFlushSFCacheWrap (not documented)
SHLWAPI_420 (stub)
SHLoadPersistedDataObject (stub)
DeleteMenuWrap (forward to DeleteMenu in user32)
DestroyMenuWrap (forward to DestroyMenu in user32)
TrackPopupMenuWrap (forward to TrackPopupMenu in user32)
TrackPopupMenuExWrap (forward to TrackPopupMenuEx in user32)
MLIsMLHInstance (not documented)
MLSetMLHInstance (not documented)
MLClearMLHInstance (not documented)
SHSendMessageBroadcastA (not documented)
SHSendMessageBroadcastW (not documented)
SendMessageTimeoutWrapW (forward to SendMessageTimeoutW in user32)
CLSIDFromProgIDWrap (forward to CLSIDFromProgID in ole32)
IsOS (forward to IsOS in shcore)
SHLoadRegUIStringA (stub)
SHLoadRegUIStringW (not documented)
GetEnvironmentVariableWrapW (forward to GetEnvironmentVariableW in kernel32)
SHGetSystemWindowsDirectoryA (forward to GetSystemWindowsDirectoryA in kernel32)
SHGetSystemWindowsDirectoryW (forward to GetSystemWindowsDirectoryW in kernel32)
FixSlashesAndColonA (stub)
FixSlashesAndColonW (not documented)
NextPathA (stub)
NextPathW (stub)
CharUpperNoDBCSA (stub)
CharUpperNoDBCSW (stub)
CharLowerNoDBCSA (stub)
CharLowerNoDBCSW (stub)
PathIsValidCharA (not documented)
PathIsValidCharW (not documented)
GetLongPathNameWrapW (forward to GetLongPathNameW in kernel32)
GetLongPathNameWrapA (forward to GetLongPathNameA in kernel32)
SHExpandEnvironmentStringsA (forward to ExpandEnvironmentStringsA in kernel32)
SHExpandEnvironmentStringsW (forward to ExpandEnvironmentStringsW in kernel32)
SHGetAppCompatFlags (not documented)
UrlFixupW (not documented)
SHExpandEnvironmentStringsForUserA (forward to ExpandEnvironmentStringsForUserA in userenv)
SHExpandEnvironmentStringsForUserW (forward to ExpandEnvironmentStringsForUserW in userenv)
PathUnExpandEnvStringsForUserA (stub)
PathUnExpandEnvStringsForUserW (stub)
SHRunIndirectRegClientCommand (stub)
RunIndirectRegCommand (stub)
RunRegCommand (stub)
IUnknown_ProfferServiceOld (stub)
SHCreatePropertyBagOnProfileSelection (stub)
SHGetIniStringUTF7W (stub)
SHSetIniStringUTF7W (stub)
SHCreatePropertyBagOnMemory (stub)
UrlCrackW (forward to InternetCrackUrlW in wininet)
SHMessageBoxHelpA (stub)
SHMessageBoxHelpW (stub)
MapWin32ErrorToSTG (stub)
ModeToCreateFileFlags (stub)
SHLoadIndirectString (not documented)
SHConvertGraphicsFile (stub)
GlobalAddAtomWrapW (forward to GlobalAddAtomW in kernel32)
GlobalFindAtomWrapW (forward to GlobalFindAtomW in kernel32)
SHGetShellKey (not documented)
PrettifyFileDescriptionW (stub)
SHPropertyBag_ReadType (stub)
SHPropertyBag_ReadStr (stub)
SHPropertyBag_WriteStr (stub)
SHPropertyBag_WriteLONG (stub)
SHPropertyBag_ReadBOOLOld (stub)
SHPropertyBag_WriteBOOL (stub)
SHPropertyBag_ReadGUID (stub)
SHPropertyBag_WriteGUID (stub)
SHPropertyBag_ReadDWORD (stub)
SHPropertyBag_WriteDWORD (stub)
IUnknown_OnFocusChangeIS (not documented)
SHLockSharedEx (stub)
PathFileExistsDefExtAndAttributesW (stub)
IStream_ReadPidl (stub)
IStream_WritePidl (stub)
SHGetViewStatePropertyBag (not documented)
SKGetValueW (not documented)
SKSetValueW (not documented)
SKDeleteValueW (not documented)
SKAllocValueW (not documented)
SHPropertyBag_ReadBSTR (stub)
SHPropertyBag_ReadPOINTL (stub)
SHPropertyBag_WritePOINTL (stub)
SHPropertyBag_ReadRECTL (stub)
SHPropertyBag_WriteRECTL (stub)
SHPropertyBag_ReadPOINTS (stub)
SHPropertyBag_WritePOINTS (stub)
SHPropertyBag_ReadSHORT (stub)
SHPropertyBag_WriteSHORT (stub)
SHPropertyBag_ReadInt (stub)
SHPropertyBag_WriteInt (stub)
SHPropertyBag_ReadStream (stub)
SHPropertyBag_WriteStream (stub)
SHGetPerScreenResName (stub)
SHPropertyBag_ReadBOOL (stub)
SHPropertyBag_Delete (stub)
IUnknown_QueryServicePropertyBag (stub)
SHBoolSystemParametersInfo (stub)
IUnknown_ShowBrowserBar (stub)
SHInvokeCommandOnContextMenu (stub)
SHInvokeCommandsOnContextMen (stub)
GetUIVersion (not documented)
CreateColorSpaceWrapW (forward to CreateColorSpaceW in gdi32)
QuerySourceCreateFromKey (stub)
SHForwardContextMenuMsg (stub)
IUnknown_DoContextMenuPopup (stub)
SHAreIconsEqual (stub)
SHCoCreateInstanceAC (not documented)
GetTemplateInfoFromHandle (stub)
IShellFolder_CompareIDs (stub)
ChrCmpIA (not documented)
ChrCmpIW (not documented)
DelayLoadFailureHook (forward to DelayLoadFailureHook in kernel32)
HashData (not documented)
IntlStrEqWorkerA (not documented)
IntlStrEqWorkerW (not documented)
IsCharSpaceA (not documented)
IsInternetESCEnabled (not documented)
PathAddBackslashA (not documented)
PathAddBackslashW (not documented)
PathAddExtensionA (not documented)
PathAddExtensionW (not documented)
PathAppendA (not documented)
PathAppendW (not documented)
PathCanonicalizeA (not documented)
PathCanonicalizeW (not documented)
PathCombineA (not documented)
PathCombineW (not documented)
PathCommonPrefixA (not documented)
PathCommonPrefixW (not documented)
PathCreateFromUrlA (not documented)
PathCreateFromUrlW (not documented)
PathCreateFromUrlAlloc (not documented)
PathFileExistsA (not documented)
PathFileExistsW (not documented)
PathFindExtensionA (not documented)
PathFindExtensionW (not documented)
PathFindFileNameA (not documented)
PathFindFileNameW (not documented)
PathFindNextComponentA (not documented)
PathFindNextComponentW (not documented)
PathGetArgsA (not documented)
PathGetArgsW (not documented)
PathGetCharTypeA (not documented)
PathGetCharTypeW (not documented)
PathGetDriveNumberA (not documented)
PathGetDriveNumberW (not documented)
PathIsFileSpecA (not documented)
PathIsFileSpecW (not documented)
PathIsLFNFileSpecA (not documented)
PathIsLFNFileSpecW (not documented)
PathIsPrefixA (not documented)
PathIsPrefixW (not documented)
PathIsRelativeA (not documented)
PathIsRelativeW (not documented)
PathIsRootA (not documented)
PathIsRootW (not documented)
PathIsSameRootA (not documented)
PathIsSameRootW (not documented)
PathIsUNCA (not documented)
PathIsUNCServerA (not documented)
PathIsUNCServerShareA (not documented)
PathIsUNCServerShareW (not documented)
PathIsUNCServerW (not documented)
PathIsUNCW (not documented)
PathIsURLA (not documented)
PathIsURLW (not documented)
PathMatchSpecA (not documented)
PathMatchSpecExA (not documented)
PathMatchSpecExW (not documented)
PathMatchSpecW (not documented)
PathParseIconLocationA (not documented)
PathParseIconLocationW (not documented)
PathQuoteSpacesA (not documented)
PathQuoteSpacesW (not documented)
PathRelativePathToA (not documented)
PathRelativePathToW (not documented)
PathRemoveBackslashA (not documented)
PathRemoveBackslashW (not documented)
PathRemoveBlanksA (not documented)
PathRemoveBlanksW (not documented)
PathRemoveExtensionA (not documented)
PathRemoveExtensionW (not documented)
PathRemoveFileSpecA (not documented)
PathRemoveFileSpecW (not documented)
PathRenameExtensionA (not documented)
PathRenameExtensionW (not documented)
PathSearchAndQualifyA (not documented)
PathSearchAndQualifyW (not documented)
PathSkipRootA (not documented)
PathSkipRootW (not documented)
PathStripPathA (not documented)
PathStripPathW (not documented)
PathStripToRootA (not documented)
PathStripToRootW (not documented)
PathUnExpandEnvStringsA (not documented)
PathUnExpandEnvStringsW (not documented)
PathUnquoteSpacesA (not documented)
PathUnquoteSpacesW (not documented)
SHCopyKeyA (forward to SHCopyKeyA in shcore)
SHCopyKeyW (forward to SHCopyKeyW in shcore)
SHCreateShellPalette (not documented)
SHCreateStreamOnFileA (forward to SHCreateStreamOnFileA in shcore)
SHCreateStreamOnFileEx (forward to SHCreateStreamOnFileEx in shcore)
SHCreateStreamOnFileW (forward to SHCreateStreamOnFileW in shcore)
SHCreateThreadRef (forward to SHCreateThreadRef in shcore)
SHDeleteEmptyKeyA (forward to SHDeleteEmptyKeyA in shcore)
SHDeleteEmptyKeyW (forward to SHDeleteEmptyKeyW in shcore)
SHDeleteKeyA (forward to SHDeleteKeyA in shcore)
SHDeleteKeyW (forward to SHDeleteKeyW in shcore)
SHDeleteValueA (not documented)
SHDeleteValueW (not documented)
SHEnumKeyExA (forward to SHEnumKeyExA in shcore)
SHEnumKeyExW (forward to SHEnumKeyExW in shcore)
SHEnumValueA (forward to SHEnumValueA in shcore)
SHEnumValueW (forward to SHEnumValueW in shcore)
SHGetThreadRef (forward to SHGetThreadRef in shcore)
SHGetValueA (not documented)
SHGetValueW (not documented)
SHIsLowMemoryMachine (not documented)
SHOpenRegStream2A (forward to SHOpenRegStream2A in shcore)
SHOpenRegStream2W (forward to SHOpenRegStream2W in shcore)
SHOpenRegStreamA (forward to SHOpenRegStreamA in shcore)
SHOpenRegStreamW (forward to SHOpenRegStreamW in shcore)
SHQueryInfoKeyA (not documented)
SHQueryInfoKeyW (not documented)
SHQueryValueExA (not documented)
SHQueryValueExW (not documented)
SHRegCloseUSKey (not documented)
SHRegCreateUSKeyA (not documented)
SHRegCreateUSKeyW (not documented)
SHRegDeleteEmptyUSKeyA (not documented)
SHRegDeleteEmptyUSKeyW (not documented)
SHRegDeleteUSValueA (not documented)
SHRegDeleteUSValueW (not documented)
SHRegDuplicateHKey (not documented)
SHRegEnumUSKeyA (not documented)
SHRegEnumUSKeyW (not documented)
SHRegEnumUSValueA (not documented)
SHRegEnumUSValueW (not documented)
SHRegGetBoolUSValueA (not documented)
SHRegGetBoolUSValueW (not documented)
SHRegGetPathA (not documented)
SHRegGetPathW (not documented)
SHRegGetUSValueA (not documented)
SHRegGetUSValueW (not documented)
SHRegGetValueA (forward to RegGetValueA in advapi32)
SHRegGetValueW (forward to RegGetValueW in advapi32)
SHRegOpenUSKeyA (not documented)
SHRegOpenUSKeyW (not documented)
SHRegQueryInfoUSKeyA (not documented)
SHRegQueryInfoUSKeyW (not documented)
SHRegQueryUSValueA (not documented)
SHRegQueryUSValueW (not documented)
SHRegSetPathA (not documented)
SHRegSetPathW (not documented)
SHRegSetUSValueA (not documented)
SHRegSetUSValueW (not documented)
SHRegWriteUSValueA (not documented)
SHRegWriteUSValueW (not documented)
SHReleaseThreadRef (forward to SHReleaseThreadRef in shcore)
SHSetThreadRef (forward to SHSetThreadRef in shcore)
SHSetValueA (not documented)
SHSetValueW (not documented)
StrCSpnA (not documented)
StrCSpnIA (not documented)
StrCSpnIW (not documented)
StrCSpnW (not documented)
StrCatBuffA (not documented)
StrCatBuffW (not documented)
StrCatChainW (not documented)
StrChrA (not documented)
StrChrIA (not documented)
StrChrIW (not documented)
StrChrNW (not documented)
StrChrW (not documented)
StrCmpIW (not documented)
StrCmpLogicalW (not documented)
StrCmpNA (not documented)
StrCmpNIA (not documented)
StrCmpNIW (not documented)
StrCmpNW (not documented)
StrCmpW (not documented)
StrCpyNW (not documented)
StrDupA (not documented)
StrDupW (not documented)
StrFormatByteSizeEx (not documented)
StrIsIntlEqualA (not documented)
StrIsIntlEqualW (not documented)
StrPBrkA (not documented)
StrPBrkW (not documented)
StrRChrA (not documented)
StrRChrIA (not documented)
StrRChrIW (not documented)
StrRChrW (not documented)
StrRStrIA (not documented)
StrRStrIW (not documented)
StrSpnA (not documented)
StrSpnW (not documented)
StrStrA (not documented)
StrStrIA (not documented)
StrStrIW (not documented)
StrStrNW (not documented)
StrStrNIW (not documented)
StrStrW (not documented)
StrToInt64ExA (not documented)
StrToInt64ExW (not documented)
StrToIntA (not documented)
StrToIntExA (not documented)
StrToIntExW (not documented)
StrToIntW (not documented)
StrTrimA (not documented)
StrTrimW (not documented)
UrlApplySchemeA (not documented)
UrlApplySchemeW (not documented)
UrlCanonicalizeA (not documented)
UrlCanonicalizeW (not documented)
UrlCombineA (not documented)
UrlCombineW (not documented)
UrlCompareA (not documented)
UrlCompareW (not documented)
UrlCreateFromPathA (not documented)
UrlCreateFromPathW (not documented)
UrlEscapeA (not documented)
UrlEscapeW (not documented)
UrlGetLocationA (not documented)
UrlGetLocationW (not documented)
UrlGetPartA (not documented)
UrlGetPartW (not documented)
UrlHashA (not documented)
UrlHashW (not documented)
UrlIsA (not documented)
UrlIsNoHistoryA (not documented)
UrlIsNoHistoryW (not documented)
UrlIsOpaqueA (not documented)
UrlIsOpaqueW (not documented)
UrlIsW (not documented)
UrlUnescapeA (not documented)
UrlUnescapeW (not documented)
Copyright © 2025 The Wine Project. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Visit WineHQ for license details. Generated Feb 2025.