SHMessageBoxCheckA  (SHLWAPI.185)


 INT_PTR SHMessageBoxCheckA
  HWND    hWnd,
  LPCSTR  lpszText,
  LPCSTR  lpszTitle,
  DWORD   dwType,
  INT_PTR iRet,
  LPCSTR  lpszId


Pop up a 'Don't show this message again' dialogue box.


hWnd [In] Window to be the dialogues' parent.
lpszText [In] Text of the message to show.
lpszTitle [In] Title of the dialogue box.
dwType [In] Type of dialogue buttons (See below).
iRet [In] Value to return if dialogue is not shown.
lpszId [In] Name of registry subkey which determines whether to show the dialog.


Success: The value returned from the dialogue procedure (e.g. IDOK).

Failure: iRet, if the default dialogue resource could not be loaded or the dialogue should not be shown.


- Both lpszTitle and lpszId must be less than MAX_PATH in length.

- Possible values for dwType are:

 Value     Buttons
 -----     -------
   0       OK
   1       OK/Cancel
   2       Yes/No


Not declared in a Wine header. The function is either undocumented, or missing from Wine.

Implemented in "dlls/shlwapi/msgbox.c".

Debug channel "shell".

Copyright © 2025 The Wine Project. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Visit WineHQ for license details. Generated Feb 2025.