SHRestrictionLookup (SHLWAPI.266)
DWORD SHRestrictionLookup ( DWORD policy, LPCWSTR initial, LPPOLICYDATA polTable, LPDWORD polArr )
Helper function to retrieve the possibly cached value for a specific policy.
policy | [In] | The policy to look for. |
initial | [In] | Main registry key to open, if NULL use default. |
polTable | [In] | Table of known policies, 0 terminated. |
polArr | [In] | Cache array of policy values. |
The retrieved policy value or 0 if not successful.
This function is used by the native SHRestricted function to search for the policy and cache it once retrieved. The current Wine implementation uses a different POLICYDATA structure and implements a similar algorithm adapted to that structure.
Exported by ordinal only. Use GetProcAddress to obtain a pointer to the function.
Implemented in "dlls/shlwapi/ordinal.c".
Debug channel "shell".
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