Forwards: 31
Variables: 0
Stubs: 4
Functions: 156
Exports-Total: 191
Implemented-Total: 187 (97%)
Documented-Total: 133 (85%)
The following people hold copyrights on the source files comprising this dll:
Alex Korobka, Alex Priem, Alexandre Julliard, Anders Carlsson, Bruce Milner, Charles Loep (for CodeWeavers), Chris Morgan, CodeWeavers Inc, Daniel Jelinski, David Metcalfe, David W. Metcalfe, Dimitrie O. Paun, Eric Kohl (for CodeWeavers), Eric Pouech, Fabian Maurer, Filip Navara, Francis Beaudet, Frank Richter, Frans van Dorsselaer, Guy Albertelli, Gyorgy, James Abbatiello, Jason Mawdsley, Johannes Ruscheinski, Jon Griffiths, Luc Tourangeau, Marcus Meissner, Maxime Bellenge, Michael Müller, Michael Stefaniuc, Mikolaj Zalewski, Nikolay Sivov, Owen Rudge (for CodeWeavers), Reece H. Dunn, Robert Shearman, Sylvain St-Germain, Thomas Weidenmueller, Thuy Nguyen, Uwe Bonnes, Vitaliy Margolen, William Magro, Zhiyi Zhang
Note: This list may not be complete. For a complete listing, see the git commit logs and the File "AUTHORS" in the Wine source tree.
Alloc (not documented)
ReAlloc (not documented)
Free (not documented)
GetSize (not documented)
CreateMRUListA (not documented)
FreeMRUList (not documented)
AddMRUStringA (not documented)
EnumMRUListA (not documented)
CreateMRUListLazyA (not documented)
CreatePage (stub)
CreateProxyPage (stub)
AddMRUData (not documented)
FindMRUData (not documented)
SendNotify (not documented)
TaskDialog (not documented)
TaskDialogIndirect (not documented)
StrChrA (forward to StrChrA in kernelbase)
StrRChrA (forward to StrRChrA in kernelbase)
StrCmpNA (forward to StrCmpNA in kernelbase)
StrCmpNIA (forward to StrCmpNIA in kernelbase)
StrStrA (forward to StrStrA in kernelbase)
StrStrIA (forward to StrStrIA in kernelbase)
StrCSpnA (forward to StrCSpnA in kernelbase)
StrToIntA (forward to StrToIntA in kernelbase)
StrChrW (forward to StrChrW in kernelbase)
StrRChrW (forward to StrRChrW in kernelbase)
StrCmpNW (forward to StrCmpNW in kernelbase)
StrCmpNIW (forward to StrCmpNIW in kernelbase)
StrStrW (forward to StrStrW in kernelbase)
StrStrIW (forward to StrStrIW in kernelbase)
StrCSpnW (forward to StrCSpnW in kernelbase)
StrToIntW (forward to StrToIntW in kernelbase)
StrChrIA (forward to StrChrIA in kernelbase)
StrChrIW (forward to StrChrIW in kernelbase)
StrRChrIA (forward to StrRChrIA in kernelbase)
StrRChrIW (forward to StrRChrIW in kernelbase)
StrRStrIA (forward to StrRStrIA in kernelbase)
StrRStrIW (forward to StrRStrIW in kernelbase)
StrCSpnIA (forward to StrCSpnIA in kernelbase)
StrCSpnIW (forward to StrCSpnIW in kernelbase)
LoadIconMetric (not documented)
LoadIconWithScaleDown (not documented)
DoReaderMode (stub)
SHGetProcessDword (stub)
CreateMRUListW (not documented)
AddMRUStringW (not documented)
FindMRUStringW (not documented)
CreateMRUListLazyW (not documented)
DrawTextWrap (forward to DrawTextW in user32)
DrawTextExPrivWrap (forward to DrawTextExW in user32)
ExtTextOutWrap (forward to ExtTextOutW in gdi32)
GetCharWidthWrap (forward to GetCharWidthW in gdi32)
GetTextExtentPointWrap (forward to GetTextExtentPointW in gdi32)
GetTextExtentPoint32Wrap (forward to GetTextExtentPoint32W in gdi32)
TextOutWrap (forward to TextOutW in gdi32)
CreatePropertySheetPage (implemented as CreatePropertySheetPageA)
CreateStatusWindow (implemented as CreateStatusWindowA)
DrawShadowText (not documented)
DrawStatusText (implemented as DrawStatusTextA)
ImageList_LoadImage (implemented as ImageList_LoadImageA)
ImageList_WriteEx (not documented)
PropertySheet (implemented as PropertySheetA)
RegisterClassNameW (not documented)
Copyright © 2025 The Wine Project. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Visit WineHQ for license details. Generated Feb 2025.