DPA_Search (COMCTL32.339)
INT DPA_Search ( HDPA hdpa, LPVOID pFind, INT nStart, PFNDPACOMPARE pfnCompare, LPARAM lParam, UINT uOptions )
Searches a pointer array for a specified pointer.
hdpa | [In] | handle (pointer) to the pointer array. |
pFind | [In] | pointer to search for. |
nStart | [In] | start index. |
pfnCompare | [In] | pointer to the compare function. |
lParam | [In] | user defined value (3rd parameter of compare function). |
uOptions | [In] | search options. |
Success: index of the pointer in the array.
Failure: -1
Declared in "include/commctrl.h". gitlab.winehq.org/wine/wine/blob/master/include/commctrl.h
Implemented in "dlls/comctl32/dpa.c". gitlab.winehq.org/wine/wine/blob/master/dlls/comctl32/dpa.c
Debug channel "dpa".
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