Wine source repository – Merge requests (total 458)

198 merge requests pending review

44Alexandre Julliard
40Huw Davies
23Elizabeth Figura
17Nikolay Sivov
16Jan Sikorski
10Jacek Caban
5RĂ©mi Bernon
4Matteo Bruni
4Andrew Eikum
4Esme Povirk
1Alexandros Frantzis
1eric pouech
1Hans Leidekker
1Tim Clem
1Zhiyi Zhang

194 merge requests without assigned reviewer

!7695ntdll: Correct NtAllocateReserveObject arguments in specfile.
!7694adslap: Fix some memory leaks.
!7693bcrypt/tests: Add some tests for export/import of BCRYPT_AES_WRAP_KEY_BLOB.
!7692adsldp/tests: Fix test failures.
!7690winewayland: Don't use a destroyed surface in text input.
!7689mscoree: Update Wine Mono to 10.0.0.
!7688Setupapi: Don't add backslash on absolute dirid
!7685powrprof.dll: Partially implement PowerGetActiveScheme for SteamVR
!7683user32: Solve the problems of byte alignment and incorrect height.
!7682ntdll: Implement RtlCreateServiceSid
!7678winewayland: Use system cursor shapes when possible.
!7669ntdll/server: Make robust to spurious short writes
!7664ntdll: Add copies of two XDG env vars to the environment, and use those in...
!7659windows.devices.bluetooth: Add implementation for IBluetoothStatics::GetDefaultAsync(), BluetoothAdapter.
!7621win32u: Default to exit when tracking top menu
!7604kerberos: Accept NULL password, libkrb5 uses cached credentials in that case.
!7586cmd: Handle cntl-c events correctly
!7542ws2_32: Implement WSALookupService for Bluetooth device discovery.
!7522user32/tests: Make failures in sysparams test less likely.
!7491cmd: Introduce MODE command
!7490shell32: mark FOLDERID_UserProgramFiles as CSIDL_Type_User
!7489netapi32: add stub level1 query of NetLocalGroupGetMembers
!7479wow64win: fix the access exception when the lparam is an address larger than 2G.
!7475winewayland: Ignore relative motion while pointer lock is deactivated.
!7457winewayland: Ignore enter motion during pointer lock.
!7451dlls/shell32: Fix IUnknown::QueryInterface() to meet spec
!7447oleaut32: Implement (S|G)etVarConversionLocaleSetting()
!7446oleaut32: Implement OleLoadPictureFileEx()
!7339ntdll: implement create_logical_proc_info on FreeBSD.
!7316win32u: Avoid using uninitialized variable.
!7298user32/combo: Select all contexts when focused, and vice versa still.
!7251TLS slots alignment.
!7247user32: Use SYSTEM_FONT if given font is not installed.
!7245ntdll: Implement querying StorageDeviceProperty for optical discs.
!7213mountmgr: Set more registry values for serial and parport devices.
!7148Mark some debug formats as deprecated.
!7115Added support of case FileAllocationInformation in SetFileInformationByHandle
!7064ntdll: Check for invalid GS base in the 64-bit segv_handler.
!7060scrrun/tests: Add drive_get_path test
!7032Add embeddedbrowserwebview aka. WebView2 DLL stub.
!7028ntdll: Remove manifest name filtering.
!6938winewayland.drv: Implement support for xdg-toplevel-icon.
!6919bcp47langs: Add tests for GetUserLanguages.
!6892dlls/propsys: Implement IPropertyDescription for several known system properties.
!6891cmd: Use CD /D to change directory in POPD (same as PUSHD).
!6885cmd: Use the console output codepage to read batch files.
!6874windows.devices.enumeration: Add a basic implementation for DeviceInformationStatics::FindAllAsync().
!6866ntdll: On macOS x86_64, swap GSBASE between the TEB and macOS TSD when entering/leaving PE code.
!6798msvidc32: MS Video-1 playback fixes part 1.
!6793userenv: Add stubs and reorder functions in alphabetical order.
!6788dlls/structuredquery: Introduce new DLL, add stubs.
!6783winegstreamer: Fix memory/resource leaks in media sources.
!6770[ntdll] fix unwind compilation failure for android
!6759kernelbase: Make trailing slashes in CreateFileW set ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND
!6750user32/edit: multiple edits control also can set passwords.
!6651Create occitan translation
!6585win32u: Try the next top-level window if hit-testing the result window returns HTTRANSPARENT.
!6555winemenubuilder:Add exe file icon image extraction in thumbnail_lnk
!6553ntdll: GetDriveType and GetVolumeInformation: prioritize mount managers' config
!6549ntdll: Implement NtSetInformationProcess( ProcessTlsInformation ) and use that in loader.
!6540localspl: Avoid crash when driver_load fails.
!6535ntdll: Set correct MaximumLength when current directory path is longer than MAX_PATH.
!6481dplayx: Merge IDirectPlayLobby3A into IDirectPlayLobby3
!6462winemac: Use win32u for move/resize window SysCommand.
!6459ntdll: Support Ctrl-C stop debuggee and attach 32-bit process in wow64 mode.
!6423Implement NtQuerySystemEnvironmentValueEx, NtQuerySystemInformation SystemBootEnvironmentInformation, GetFirmwareType, GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariable*
!6400user32/test: Test UpdateLayeredWindow with alpha-blending
!6387configure: Fix build on CYGWIN & MinGW.
!6377winebuild: Use know 14.29 version for the linker version of dll files
!6361shell32: Improve SHGetSetSettings
!6347advpack: DelNode support the ADN_DEL_IF_EMPTY flag
!6329snmpapi: Remove unnecessary call to strlen from SnmpUtilIdsToA.
!6290explorer: Fix desktop command-line parameter parsing.
!6288wintypes: Partially implement RoResolveNamespace and add 'Windows.winmd'
!6238comdlg32: Add `const' qualifier
!6203advapi32: Avoid that invalid pointers cause crashes.
!6199winewayland: Fix release_all_keys's modifier filtering.
!6191ws2_32: Fully implement socket options IPX_ADDRESS and IPX_MAX_ADAPTER_NUM on Linux
!6166separate env for windows applications (WINENV) from env for wine processes (NIXENV)
!6140ntdll: Exclude biggest envars to fit 32767 chars limit in get_initial_environment.
!6138crypt32: When importing certificates to Root store set 'done' flag before entering semaphore.
!6130shell32: Added stubs for the EnumerableObjectCollection COM class.
!6123shdocvw: Add IEParseDisplayNameWithBCW semi-stub.
!5988winegstreamer: Output compressed samples from the media source.
!5957win32u: fix random crash without libfreetype
!5934ntdll: Improvements related to preferred UI languages
!5890winex11.drv: Fix a possible desktop window message queue hang.
!5827shell32: Fix possible handle leak
!5809winecrt0: Implement static constructor support.
!5523msdelta: Add stubs for ApplyDeltaA() and ApplyDeltaW().
!5522sppc: Add stub SLInstallLicense().
!5503Fix initialization of the handler_fd_ops
!5447fonts: Add U+FF0B U+25BC U+2715, fix visual issue in Notepad++
!5268ntdll/tests: Add tests for deleting pre-existing kernel objects.
!5251ntdll: Add stubs for Rtl*GenericTable*Avl functions
!5247user32/msgbox: Support WM_COPY Message
!5246cmd/tests: Add tests for calling special excuteable files.
!5234win32u: Add registry key for changing tablet status.
!5213Fix Cyberpunk 2077 spawning only one dispatcher thread in FreeBSD
!5151schtasks: Ignore /tr /sc /rl options in create command.
!5145opengl32: speed up wow64 mapping
!5110Parametrize macdrv retina scaling functions.
!5046advapi32: CryptEnumProviders doesn't return pdwProvType when szProvName is NULL.
!4921kernel32: Implement GetFirmwareType()
!4908tools: Fix support for Link-Time Optimization (LTO).
!4878advpack: Ignore lines that begin with '@' in (Un)RegisterOCXs sections.
!4851kernelbase: Add naive SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTimeEx implementation
!4834ntdll: NtQuerySystemInformation(SystemProcessorPerformanceInformation) fix return value
!4833ntdll: Improve NtQuerySystemInformation(SystemCodeIntegrityInformation)
!4812user32: Fix the number of characters processed by DrawTextExW.
!4771fixed function GetAllUsersProfileDirectoryW
!4758winhlp32: Fix main window title.
!4755readme: Update German translation.
!4740ntdll: Don't hardcode pagesize when allocating handles
!4739ntdll: Don't hardcode page size
!4738ntdll/unix: Don't hardcode page_size, page_shift and page_mask
!4709winedbg: Show all loaded modules in automatic backtrace.
!4682user32: At least fail instantly on buffer overflow in winproc.
!4655ntdll: loader_init() invoke breakpoint before loading dlls
!4642configure: Use Wine includes for cross compiler checks.
!4635ntdll: Avoid abort process when internal string printing function used for debugging.
!4633win32u: Fix key state not updating before WH_KEYBOARD hook
!4587kernelbase: Implement flag validation in `LoadLibraryEx()` to work like in Win10
!4566ntdll/unix: Add an option to inherit the Unix console handle.
!4556ntdll: Set correct neutral language for zh-HK, zh-MO, and zh-SG.
!4328ntdll: Don't allocate vprot entries until commit.
!4244ntdll: use MurmurOAAT hash in hash_short_file_name
!4174shell32: Add Internet Explorer toolbar icons.
!3967mpr: WNetGetUniversalNameA() and WNetGetUniversalNameW() implemented
!3966mpr: WNetAddConnection*() and WNetCancelConnection*() always return success
!3880ntdll: Only declare/set wow_teb on platforms using it
!3870mspatcha: Add support for 32-bit file patching and normalization
!3799kernelbase: Add implementation of PerfSetULongCounterValue and PerfSetULongLongCounterValue
!3629mlang/tests: add test cases for IMLangLineBreakConsole_BreakLineA
! Define GUID_STR_LEN without using a magic number.
!3547Common Controls: Fix balloon tooltips
!3527include: disable GCC bug workaround for more recent compilers
!3447ntdll/unix: NtTerminateThread should accept NULL handle
!3410advpack: Add nullcheck for parameter that can be null (Coverity)
!3360shell32: Improve shell copy and delete items functions, notifications.
!3334Add vccorlib140.dll.
!3259Add environment variable to isolate WINEPREFIX at creation
!3228Update heap.c removed return NULL at line 985. Prevents Wing Commander...
!3153loader: Add BootId registry key.
!3106coml2: Move remaining storage functions from ole32
!3028Add more tests for IShellFolder_ParseDisplayName() and add localized strings for CLSID_Printers and CLSID_Internet.
!2808SNI tray implementation
!2700msxml3: Rename msxml3 to winexml and point msxml* to it.
!2498msado15: Implement _Recordset Find
!2382npptools: Add CreateBlob and DestroyBlob stubs.
!2374sppc: Stub SLInstallLicense and SLGetSLIDList
!2298winewinrt: Introduce new WinRT common module.
!2229winex11: Fix X11 WM behavior for Delphi based apps.
!2127ntdll: Load known dlls from system directory
!2118ntdll: Explaining with wine requires a 3G/1G split on 32bit
! Initial Unixlib work.
!2054ntoskrnl.exe: Add stub for IoQueryFileDosDeviceName.
!2044ntoskrnl.exe: Implement acquiring and releasing guarded mutexes
!1971winemac: Fix the screenshot function on macOS, modified from wxWidgets
!1969winemac: Fix the problem that the candidate box cannot pop up when entering Chinese in macOS 10.15 and above systems under the VMware virtual machine
!1968rsaenh: Fix a problem caused by the recent official commit "rsaenh: Factor out...
!1917[PATCH] shell32/tests: Workaround moving cursor to (0,0) coordinates.
!1888Implements basic rpcrt4.dll.RpcServerUseAllProtseqsIf
!1827ntdll: Add basic support for application configuration files
!1825kernelbase/path.c: UrlFixupW()
!1771ntoskrnl.exe: Fake Success for MmMapIoSpace.
!1600loader: Assert if argc/argv/environ are invalid.
!1559ntoskrnl.exe: Prevent blocking if kernel timer is reset in DPC.
!1554win32u: Reset focused item if it was removed when removing a menu item
!1393ntoskrnl.exe: Add semi-stub for KeIpiGenericCall.
!1371shell32/tests: Add tests for drag and drop helpers
!1282ntoskrnl.exe: Implement ExInterlockedInsertTailList.
!1166ntdll: don't claim to have not found a library that is in place
!1045include: Add wine/winrt.h and define IInspectable helpers there.
!1035oleaut32: VariantCopy/Free use IMalloc for V_RECORD.
!1004ntdll: Implement optional relative parameter of RtlDosPathNameToRelativeNtPathName_U_WithStatus
!974vulkan-1/tests: Add keyed mutex timeout behavior tests.
!841ntoskrnl.exe: processor change callback stubs
!777ntoskrnl: MmAllocateContiguousMemorySpecifyCache semi-stub
!701wineboot: Generate ProductId from host's machine id.
!672comdlg32: Common item dialog fixes
!667win32u: Ignore SetWindowPos() if it is trying to change topmost state for child window.
!564cabinet: implement DllGetVersion & GetDllVersion
!533xactengine3_7/tests: Test wave bank pointer also when creating one.
!452win32u: Send WM_NCPAINT as notify message in send_ncpaint().
!411win32u: Don't load bitmap only TTF fonts without bitmap table.
!283ntdll: Filter EFlags from user-supplied CONTEXT on x86 and x64.
!264winex11.drv: Always call XSync() in destroy_whole_window() if there is client window.
!260ntdll: Improve xstate validation in NtGetContextThread()
!256ntdll: Do not open directory file when setting the same directory path.
!253wineboot: Allow Wine to display custom boot initialization resource
!190shell32: Partially implement IShellItemImageFactory (icon only, no thumbnail).
!45ntdll: Always prefer native signal restorer over the custom one.
!6Avoid performance degradation due to vDSO unmapping (BZ#52313)

54 merge requests reviewed, pending further action

!7691wmphoto: Use CRT allocation functions.
!7670windowscodecs/converter: Implement BW -> 24BGR conversion.
!7649mf/tests: Add timestamp tests for audio decoders.
!7647gdiplus: Add single point support for GdipGetPathWorldBounds
!7570mfreadwrite: Implement encoder creation. (Part 1)
!7569mfplat/tests: Various fixes in preparation for tests against Byte Stream Timestamps.
!7540kernel32/tests: Add tests for maximum path length limitation.
!7530win32u, server: Improve tracking mouse messages from pointer messages.
!7403user32: Call UpdateWindow() after showing a dialog.
!7286dlls/oleaut32: Vastly cleanup and make consistent fnIsName() and fnFindName()
!6971mshtml: Implement attribute nodes properly in IE9+ modes and prototype chain.
!6878dinput: Fix a couple of regressions.
!6766dlls/wintypes: Add stubs for Windows.Foundation.Collections.PropertySet.
!6737comctl32/toolbar: forward WM_NOTIFY CBEN_ENDEDITW
!6733Mfplat HTTP byte stream implementation
!6527dinput8: Prefer the native DLL.
!6492d2d1: Implement drawing of ID2D1GeometryGroup
!6408odbc32: Handle odbcv2 for GetData
!6255mfplat: Some mf/winegstreamer fixes around pausing/unpausing a media session
!6169comctl32: fixed first we check index then array access by index is safe
!6131Extend bcp47langs.dll with GetUserLanguages
!6032include: Convert d3d8.h and d3d9.h to IDLs.
!6025winewayland: Support shaped and transparent windows.
!5712winewayland.drv: Update key state from Wayland information.
!5658winevulkan: Make device memory wrapper available in callbacks.
!5373shell32: Implement FCIDM_SHVIEW_CREATELINK
!5159Overwatch highlight/POTG encoding (part 1)
!5023quartz: Release critical section before IVideoWindow_put_Visible
!5013msi: Properly select first feature
!5012msi: Disable Browse Button when feature has no associated directory
!4545mf/tests: Add test cases for evr events.
!4518ntdll: Integrate with GDB using r_debug.
!4187mfmediaengine: Be a bit more conservative with locks in engine Shutdown.
!4146setupapi: Prevent certain applications from entering an endless loop during the installation process.
!4138gdiplus: Reset the installedFontCollection.count field to zero upon release.
!4092user32: Actually implement RealGetWindowClass{A/W}.
!4060winegstreamer: Remove redundant null check before wcsdup in object_context_create.
!3928msxml3: Add GB2312 support for builtin character converter.
!3725urlmon: fix HTTP redirects when auto redirection is disabled
!3625urlmon: Add support for IsValidURL
!3418Add tryok() for tests that sometimes get outside interference.
!3416ieframe: Forward WM_PAINT messages to the document host and all its child windows.
!3331ntdll/tests: Add more reparse/junction point tests.
!3272Fixes for Pikachu Volleyball 3D
!3160wineps.drv: Not set dc_top should not affect printing failed
!3067mf: Shutdown handling of activate objects in session.
!3048Media.speech improvements.
!2993comdlg32: IFileDialog navigation bar control. Part 1.
!2902winex11.drv: Expose GWL_STYLE and GWL_EXSTYLE as X11 properties.
!2059combase: Generate apartment OXID in rpcss
!1321Reject wic invalid formats
!1278winegstreamer: Do not destroy condition variables when a thread is waiting on them.
!626Zooming fixes
!546mfplat: Implement and use IMF2DBuffer2::Copy2DTo().

66 draft merge requests

!7687Draft: server: Use WSAEAFNOSUPPORT as the win32 error on EPROTONOSUPPORT for AF_BLUETOOTH sockets.
!7672Draft: mfplat/tests: Add tests for Byte Stream Output.
!7652Draft: ntdll: Treat XDG_DATA_DIRS as special env variable.
!7618Draft: comctl32: Updates to syslink accessibility.
!7576Draft: windowscodecs: Remove IWICWineDecoder interface.
!7571Draft: mfreadwrite: Implement transform creation. (Part 2)
!7525Draft: winewayland: Take into account requested xdg state when sending xdg requests.
!7463Draft: maintainers: Remove myself as the Stable maintainer.
!7456Draft: [RFC] ddraw/tests: Set DPI awareness to avoid unexpected clip rect.
!7429Draft: winex11: Support absolute rawinput events and use window-relative coordinates.
!7367Draft: winex11: Use _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW to request/track foreground window.
!7303Draft: include: Remove ReadNoFence64 implementation for MSVC.
!7111Draft: support building Wine with LTO
!7108Draft: tools: Add manual-run job for new-style wow64.
!7057Draft: amstream: Stop stream while running CreateSample. Feedback needed. :-)
!7045Draft: win32u: Misc tweaks for vulkan surface offscreening.
!7023Draft: ntdll: Fix SetCurrentDirectory behaviour on trailing periods
!6911Draft: ntdll: Add WaitCompletionPacket.
!6799Draft: taskschd: IRepetitionPattern implementation
!6755Draft: wined3d: Metal renderer
!6663Draft: Placed-allocation-callback solution for wow64 GL memory mappings
!6369Draft: Refactor the async state flags
!6307Draft: wine: Use atomic locks insted pthread_mutex v2.
!6300Draft: wined3d: Don't reject blits coming from older CS thread.
!5966Draft: pdh: Add PdhGetFormattedCounterArray(A/W) stub.
!5938Draft: Add clang-format configuration file
!5935Draft: winemac.drv: Use ScreenCaptureKit for grabbing window snapshots
!5507Draft: ntdll: Implement QUOTA_LIMITS_EX for NtQueryProcessInformation(ProcessQuotaLimits).
!4976Draft: tools: Implement strmake() using asprintf().
!4809Draft: wip! winewayland.drv: Try to support smooth scroll events
!4584Draft: shell32: Add environment variable to prevent symlinking home folders
!4509Draft: include: Add windows.system.diagnostics.telemetry.idl file.
!4379Draft: mfmediaengine/tests: Test frame advancing behavior in frame server mode.
!4360Draft: x11drv rawinput refactor
!4183Draft: GdipIsVisiblePathPoint improvements and tests
!4078Draft: dmime/tests: Mark 3 PMsg tests as flaky
!4066Draft: win32u: Skip windows that are not activated even once in activate_other_window().
!4001Draft: winegstreamer: Add hardware H264 decoding support
!3877Draft: gdiplus: implement PixelOffsetMode Half and HighQuality for GdipDrawImagePointsRect
!3818Draft: urlmon: test http with auto redirect disabled, and CreateBinding
!3687Draft: ws2_32/tests: Register an exception with the firewall to avoid a dialog.
!3619Draft: wintrust: Generate CRYPTCATMEMBER pIndirectData from SubjectIdentifier if cat file member has no SPC_INDIRECT_DATA attribute
!3558Draft: gdiplus: Test linelimiting
!3481Draft: Add a static wined3dx library for code reuse
!3007Draft: ntdll: Avoid requests with null pointer but invalid size.
!2956Draft: Use libjpeg-turbo for JPEG decoding
!2835Draft: comctl32/toolbar: Always center bitmap for buttons.
!2362Draft: gitlab: Build-Depend on libpcsclite-dev for winscard.
!2246Draft: d3d11: wined3d: Implement texture reduction mode
!2245Draft: dxgi: Implement IDXGIFactory2::CreateSwapChainForComposition().
!2243Draft: dcomp: Add IDCompositionDevice2 stub.
!2122Draft: winex11: Support fixed X11 keycode to scancode conversion.
!1812Draft: Server: Synchronise keystate when locking input when the hardware message is queued.
!1258Draft: cmd: Consider only first argument as console title in "start".
!1192Draft: win32u: Improve handling of ppem == 0
!1074Draft: ntdll: Improve Valgrind and GDB integration.
!969Draft: combase: CoMsgWaitForMultipleHandles message pump.
!820Draft: Implement application hives
!752Draft: winecrt0: run C++ object destructors during module unload.
!714Draft: ntoskrnl: implement cmp instruction with opcodes 0x38,0x39
!535Draft: winebus: implement BusQueryContainerID for USB devices when using bus_udev
!360Draft: winepulse: add support for containerId property from sysfs path
!126Draft: ddraw: Limit max texture size to fit a 16bit signed integer
!111Draft: winedbg: Allow loading 32bit module symbols in a 64bit debuggee process from winedbg's --gdb mode.
!59Draft: hnetcfg/tests: Add firewall tests