_chkesp (MSVCRT.@)
# if _chkesp ( __GNUC__ )
Trap to a debugger if the value of the stack pointer has changed.
None. |
Does not return.
This function is available for iX86 only.
When VC++ generates debug code, it stores the value of the stack pointer before calling any external function, and checks the value following the call. It then calls this function, which will trap if the values are not the same. Usually this means that the prototype used to call the function is incorrect. It can also mean that the .spec entry has the wrong calling convention or parameters.
Not declared in a Wine header. The function is either undocumented, or missing from Wine.
Implemented in "dlls/msvcrt/misc.c". gitlab.winehq.org/wine/wine/blob/master/dlls/msvcrt/misc.c
Debug channel "msvcrt".
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