WSAEnumProtocolsW (WS2_32.@)
int WSAEnumProtocolsW ( int* filter, WSAPROTOCOL_INFOW* protocols, DWORD* size )
Retrieves information about specified set of active network protocols.
protocols | [In] | Pointer to NULL-terminated array of protocol id's. NULL retrieves information on all available protocols. |
buffer | [In] | Pointer to a buffer to be filled with WSAPROTOCOL_INFO structures. |
len | [In/Out] | Pointer to a variable specifying buffer size. On output the variable holds the number of bytes needed when the specified size is too small. |
Success: number of WSAPROTOCOL_INFO structures in buffer.
NT4SP5 does not return SPX if protocols == NULL.
- NT4SP5 returns in addition these list of NETBIOS protocols (address family 17), each entry two times one for socket type 2 and 5.
iProtocol szProtocol 0x80000000 \Device\NwlnkNb 0xfffffffa \Device\NetBT_CBENT7 0xfffffffb \Device\Nbf_CBENT7 0xfffffffc \Device\NetBT_NdisWan5 0xfffffffd \Device\NetBT_El9202 0xfffffffe \Device\Nbf_El9202 0xffffffff \Device\Nbf_NdisWan4.
- there is no check that the operating system supports the returned protocols
Declared in "include/winsock2.h".
Implemented in "dlls/ws2_32/socket.c".
Debug channel "winsock".
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