UserInstStubWrapperW (ADVPACK.@)
HRESULT UserInstStubWrapperW ( HWND hWnd, HINSTANCE hInstance, LPWSTR pszParms, INT nShow )
Launches the user stub wrapper specified by the RealStubPath registry value under Installed Components\szParms.
hWnd | [In] | Handle to the window used for the display. |
hInstance | [In] | Instance of the process. |
szParms | [In] | The GUID of the installation. |
show | [In] | How the window should be shown. |
Success: S_OK.
Failure: E_FAIL.
If the type of the StubRealPath value is REG_EXPAND_SZ, then we should call ExpandEnvironmentStrings on the value and launch the result.
Declared in "include/advpub.h".
Implemented in "dlls/advpack/advpack.c".
Debug channel "advpack".
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