SetupDiBuildClassInfoList (SETUPAPI.@)
BOOL SetupDiBuildClassInfoList ( DWORD Flags, LPGUID ClassGuidList, DWORD ClassGuidListSize, PDWORD RequiredSize )
Returns a list of setup class GUIDs that identify the classes that are installed on a local machine.
Flags | [In] | control exclusion of classes from the list. |
ClassGuidList | [Out] | pointer to a GUID-typed array that receives a list of setup class GUIDs. |
ClassGuidListSize | [In] | The number of GUIDs in the array (ClassGuidList). |
RequiredSize | [Out] | pointer, which receives the number of GUIDs that are returned. |
Success: TRUE.
Failure: FALSE.
Declared in "include/setupapi.h".
Implemented in "dlls/setupapi/devinst.c".
Debug channel "setupapi".
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