ScCopyProps (MAPI32.171)
SCODE ScCopyProps ( int cValues, LPSPropValue lpProps, LPVOID lpDst, ULONG* lpCount )
Copy an array of property values into a buffer suited for serialisation.
cValues | [In] | Number of properties in lpProps. |
lpProps | [In] | Property array to copy. |
lpDst | [Out] | Destination for the serialised data. |
lpCount | [Out] | If non-NULL, destination for the number of bytes of data written to lpDst. |
Success: S_OK. lpDst contains the serialised data from lpProps.
Failure: MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER, if any parameter is invalid.
The resulting property value array is stored in a contiguous block starting at lpDst.
Declared in "include/mapiutil.h".
Implemented in "dlls/mapi32/prop.c".
Debug channel "mapi".
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