RegQueryValueExA (KERNELBASE.@)
LSTATUS RegQueryValueExA ( HKEY hkey, LPCSTR name, LPDWORD reserved, LPDWORD type, LPBYTE data, LPDWORD count )
Get the type and contents of a specified value under with a key.
hkey | [In] | Handle of the key to query. |
name | [In] | Name of value under hkey to query. |
reserved | [In] | Reserved - must be NULL. |
type | [Out] | Destination for the value type, or NULL if not required. |
data | [Out] | Destination for the values contents, or NULL if not required. |
count | [In/Out] | Size of data, updated with the number of bytes returned. |
Success: ERROR_SUCCESS. *count is updated with the number of bytes copied to data.
Failure: ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE, if hkey is invalid. ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, if any other parameter is invalid. ERROR_MORE_DATA, if on input *count is too small to hold the contents.
MSDN states that if data is too small it is partially filled. In reality it remains untouched.
Declared in "include/winreg.h".
Implemented in "dlls/kernelbase/registry.c".
Debug channel "reg".
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