BOOL RSAENH_CPGetProvParam ( HCRYPTPROV hProv, DWORD dwParam, BYTE* pbData, DWORD* pdwDataLen, DWORD dwFlags )
Query a CSP parameter.
hProv | [In] | The key container that is to be queried. |
dwParam | [In] | Specifies the parameter that is to be queried. |
pbData | [In] | Pointer to the buffer where the parameter value will be stored. |
pdwDataLen | [In/Out] | I: Buffer length at pbData, O: Length of the parameter value. |
dwFlags | [In] | CRYPT_FIRST: Start enumeration (for PP_ENUMALGS{_EX}). |
Success: TRUE
Failure: FALSE
NOTES: Defined dwParam types:
- PP_CONTAINER: Name of the key container.
- PP_NAME: Name of the cryptographic service provider.
- PP_SIG_KEYSIZE_INC: RSA signature keywidth granularity in bits.
- PP_KEYX_KEYSIZE_INC: RSA key-exchange keywidth granularity in bits.
- PP_ENUMALGS{_EX}: Query provider capabilities.
- PP_KEYSET_SEC_DESCR: Retrieve security descriptor on container.
Not declared in a Wine header. The function is either undocumented, or missing from Wine.
Implemented in "dlls/rsaenh/rsaenh.c".
Debug channel "crypt".
Copyright © 2025 The Wine Project. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Visit WineHQ for license details. Generated Feb 2025.