RSAENH_CPAcquireContext  (RSAENH.@)


 BOOL RSAENH_CPAcquireContext
  HCRYPTPROV*      phProv,
  LPSTR            pszContainer,
  DWORD            dwFlags,
  PVTableProvStruc pVTable


Acquire a handle to the key container specified by pszContainer.


phProv [Out] Pointer to the location the acquired handle will be written to.
pszContainer [In] Name of the desired key container. See Notes.
dwFlags [In] Flags. See Notes.
pVTable [In] Pointer to a PVTableProvStruct containing callbacks.


Success: TRUE

Failure: FALSE.


If pszContainer is NULL or points to a zero length string the user's login name will be used as the key container name.

If the CRYPT_NEW_KEYSET flag is set in dwFlags a new keyset will be created. If a keyset with the given name already exists, the function fails and sets last error to NTE_EXISTS. If CRYPT_NEW_KEYSET is not set and the specified key container does not exist, function fails and sets last error to NTE_BAD_KEYSET.


Not declared in a Wine header. The function is either undocumented, or missing from Wine.

Implemented in "dlls/rsaenh/rsaenh.c".

Debug channel "crypt".

Copyright © 2025 The Wine Project. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Visit WineHQ for license details. Generated Feb 2025.