PageSetupDlgA (COMDLG32.@)
BOOL PageSetupDlgA ( LPPAGESETUPDLGA setupdlg )
Displays the PAGE SETUP dialog box, which enables the user to specify specific properties of a printed page such as size, source, orientation and the width of the page margins.
setupdlg | [IO] | PAGESETUPDLGA struct. |
TRUE if the user pressed the OK button FALSE if the user cancelled the window or an error occurred.
The values of hDevMode and hDevNames are filled on output and can be changed in PAGESETUPDLG when they are passed in PageSetupDlg.
Declared in "include/commdlg.h".
Implemented in "dlls/comdlg32/printdlg.c".
Debug channel "commdlg".
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