NtGdiCreateRoundRectRgn (WIN32U.@)
HRGN NtGdiCreateRoundRectRgn ( INT left, INT top, INT right, INT bottom, INT ellipse_width, INT ellipse_height )
Creates a rectangular region with rounded corners.
left | [In] | Left coordinate of rectangle. |
top | [In] | Top coordinate of rectangle. |
right | [In] | Right coordinate of rectangle. |
bottom | [In] | Bottom coordinate of rectangle. |
ellipse_width | [In] | Width of the ellipse at each corner. |
ellipse_height | [In] | Height of the ellipse at each corner. |
Success: Handle to region.
Failure: NULL.
If ellipse_width or ellipse_height is less than 2 logical units then it is treated as though CreateRectRgn was called instead.
Declared in "include/ntgdi.h". gitlab.winehq.org/wine/wine/blob/master/include/ntgdi.h
Implemented in "dlls/win32u/region.c". gitlab.winehq.org/wine/wine/blob/master/dlls/win32u/region.c
Debug channel "region".
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