NetUserModalsGet (NETAPI32.@)
NET_API_STATUS NetUserModalsGet ( LPCWSTR szServer, DWORD level, LPBYTE* pbuffer )
Retrieves global information for all users and global groups in the security database.
szServer | [In] | Specifies the DNS or the NetBIOS name of the remote server on which the function is to execute. |
level | [In] | Information level of the data. 0 Return global passwords parameters. bufptr points to a USER_MODALS_INFO_0 struct. 1 Return logon server and domain controller information. bufptr points to a USER_MODALS_INFO_1 struct. 2 Return domain name and identifier. bufptr points to a USER_MODALS_INFO_2 struct. 3 Return lockout information. bufptr points to a USER_MODALS_INFO_3 struct. |
pbuffer | [In] | Buffer that receives the data. |
Success: NERR_Success.
Failure: ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED - the user does not have access to the info. NERR_InvalidComputer - computer name is invalid.
Declared in "include/lmaccess.h".
Implemented in "dlls/netapi32/netapi32.c".
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