LookupPrivilegeNameW (ADVAPI32.@)
BOOL LookupPrivilegeNameW ( LPCWSTR lpSystemName, PLUID lpLuid, LPWSTR lpName, LPDWORD cchName )
Retrieves the privilege name referred to by the LUID lpLuid.
lpSystemName | [In] | Name of the system. |
lpLuid | [In] | Privilege value. |
lpName | [Out] | Name of the privilege. |
cchName | [In/Out] | Number of characters in lpName. |
Success: TRUE. lpName contains the name of the privilege whose value is *lpLuid.
Failure: FALSE.
Only well-known privilege names (those defined in winnt.h) can be retrieved using this function. If the length of lpName is too small, on return *cchName will contain the number of WCHARs needed to contain the privilege, including the NULL terminator, and GetLastError will return ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER. On success, *cchName will contain the number of characters stored in lpName, NOT including the NULL terminator.
Declared in "include/winbase.h". gitlab.winehq.org/wine/wine/blob/master/include/winbase.h
Implemented in "dlls/advapi32/security.c". gitlab.winehq.org/wine/wine/blob/master/dlls/advapi32/security.c
Debug channel "advapi".
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