IDispatch_GetIDsOfNames (OLEAUT32.@)
static HRESULT IDispatch_GetIDsOfNames ( LPDISPATCH iface, REFIID riid, LPOLESTR* rgszNames, UINT cNames, LCID lcid, DISPID* rgDispId )
Convert a methods name and an optional set of parameter names into DISPIDs for passing to IDispatch_Invoke.
iface | [In] | IDispatch interface. |
riid | [In] | Reserved, set to IID_NULL. |
rgszNames | [In] | Name to convert. |
cNames | [In] | Number of names in rgszNames. |
lcid | [In] | Locale of the type information to convert from. |
rgDispId | [Out] | Destination for converted DISPIDs. |
Success: S_OK.
Failure: DISP_E_UNKNOWNNAME, if any of the names is invalid. DISP_E_UNKNOWNLCID if lcid is invalid. Otherwise, an HRESULT error code.
This call defers to ITypeInfo_GetIDsOfNames, using the ITypeInfo object contained within the IDispatch object. The first member of the names list must be a method name. The names following the method name are the parameters for that method.
Not declared in a Wine header. The function is either undocumented, or missing from Wine.
Implemented in "dlls/oleaut32/dispatch.c".
Debug channel "ole".
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