GetIfTable (IPHLPAPI.@)
DWORD GetIfTable ( MIB_IFTABLE* table, ULONG* size, BOOL sort )
Get a table of local interfaces.
table | [Out] | buffer for local interfaces table. |
size | [In/Out] | length of output buffer. |
sort | [In] | whether to sort the table. |
Success: NO_ERROR
Failure: error code from Winerror.h.
If size is less than required, the function will return ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER, and *pdwSize will be set to the required byte size. If sort is TRUE, the returned table will be sorted by interface index.
Declared in "include/netioapi.h".
Implemented in "dlls/iphlpapi/iphlpapi_main.c".
Debug channel "iphlpapi".
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