GdipAddPathLine  (GDIPLUS.21)


 GpStatus WINGDIPAPI  GdipAddPathLine
  GpPath* path,
  REAL    x1,
  REAL    y1,
  REAL    x2,
  REAL    y2


Add two points to the given path.


path [In/Out] Path that the line is appended to.
x1 [In] X coordinate of the first point of the line.
y1 [In] Y coordinate of the first point of the line.
x2 [In] X coordinate of the second point of the line.
y2 [In] Y coordinate of the second point of the line.


InvalidParameter If the first parameter is not a valid path OutOfMemory If the path cannot be lengthened, i.e. memory allocation fails Ok If everything works out as expected.


This functions takes the newfigure value of the given path into account, i.e. the two new points are connected to the end of the given path if it was set to FALSE, otherwise the first point is given the PathPointTypeStart value. In both cases, the value of newfigure of the given path is FALSE afterwards.


Declared in "include/gdiplusflat.h".

Implemented in "dlls/gdiplus/graphicspath.c".

Debug channel "gdiplus".

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