CryptProtectData (CRYPT32.@)
BOOL CryptProtectData ( DATA_BLOB* pDataIn, LPCWSTR szDataDescr, DATA_BLOB* pOptionalEntropy, PVOID pvReserved, CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPTSTRUCT* pPromptStruct, DWORD dwFlags, DATA_BLOB* pDataOut )
Generate Cipher data from given Plain and Entropy data.
pDataIn | [In] | Plain data to be enciphered. |
szDataDescr | [In] | Optional Unicode string describing the Plain data. |
pOptionalEntropy | [In] | Optional entropy data to adjust cipher, can be NULL. |
pvReserved | [In] | Reserved, must be NULL. |
pPromptStruct | [In] | Structure describing if/how to prompt during ciphering. |
dwFlags | [In] | Flags describing options to the ciphering. |
pDataOut | [Out] | Resulting Cipher data, for calls to CryptUnprotectData. |
TRUE If a Cipher was generated. FALSE If something failed and no Cipher is available.
The TRUE Windows® encryption and keying mechanisms are unknown.
dwFlags and pPromptStruct are currently ignored.
Memory allocated in pDataOut must be freed with LocalFree.
Declared in "include/wincrypt.h".
Implemented in "dlls/crypt32/protectdata.c".
Debug channel "crypt".
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