CryptExportKey (ADVAPI32.@)
BOOL CryptExportKey ( HCRYPTKEY hKey, HCRYPTKEY hExpKey, DWORD dwBlobType, DWORD dwFlags, BYTE* pbData, DWORD* pdwDataLen )
Exports a cryptographic key from a CSP.
hKey | [In] | Handle to the key to export. |
hExpKey | [In] | Handle to a cryptographic key of the end user. |
dwBlobType | [In] | Type of BLOB to be exported. |
pbData | [Out] | Buffer to receive BLOB data. |
pdwDataLen | [In/Out] | Specifies the size of pbData. |
Success: TRUE
Failure: FALSE.
if pbData is NULL, CryptExportKey sets pdwDataLen as the size of the buffer needed to hold the BLOB.
Declared in "include/bcrypt.h".
Implemented in "dlls/advapi32/crypt.c".
Debug channel "crypt".
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