CryptCATAdminCalcHashFromFileHandle2 (WINTRUST.@)
BOOL CryptCATAdminCalcHashFromFileHandle2 ( HCATADMIN catAdmin, HANDLE hFile, DWORD* pcbHash, BYTE* pbHash, DWORD dwFlags )
Calculate hash for a specific file using a catalog administrator context.
catAdmin | [In] | Catalog administrator context handle. |
hFile | [In] | Handle for the file to hash. |
pcbHash | [In] | Pointer to the length of the hash. |
pbHash | [Out] | Pointer to the buffer that will store that hash. |
dwFlags | [In] | Reserved. |
Success: TRUE. If pcbHash is too small, LastError will be set to ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER. pbHash contains the computed hash, if supplied.
Failure: FALSE.
Declared in "include/mscat.h".
Implemented in "dlls/wintrust/crypt.c".
Debug channel "wintrust".
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