CreateDispTypeInfo (OLEAUT32.31)
HRESULT CreateDispTypeInfo ( INTERFACEDATA* pidata, LCID lcid, ITypeInfo** pptinfo )
pidata | [In] | Description of the interface to build type information for. |
lcid | [In] | Locale Id. |
pptinfo | [Out] | Destination for created ITypeInfo object. |
Build type information for an object so it can be called through an IDispatch interface.
Success: S_OK. pptinfo contains the created ITypeInfo object.
Failure: E_INVALIDARG, if one or more arguments is invalid.
This call allows an objects methods to be accessed through IDispatch, by building an ITypeInfo object that IDispatch can use to call through.
Declared in "include/oleauto.h".
Implemented in "dlls/oleaut32/typelib.c".
Debug channel "ole".
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